Gail Ann Gibbs grew up in Amarillo, in the heart of the Texas Panhandle, and has continued to live and write in the sunny Southwest. She eventually obtained two college degrees, neither related to writing. She has been employed in a variety of interesting jobs, some of which may end up in novels someday.
She began to get serious about writing in 2001, when her story "Passion Among the Stars" received Honorable Mention in the Tenth-Anniversary Writing Contest, including publication in the anthology Celebrating Romance.
Since then, Gail has published four personalized romance e-books with, Vampire Rhapsody, Fresh Blood, Blood Starved, and Red Moon Waltz. In 2011, the first three stories were combined into a successful print version, Vampire Saga: A Trio of Tales.
Her collection of short stories, Sketches in the Air, was released in January, 2014. Gail has also provided stories and articles for such diverse publications as Summer Mysteries: A Day at the Beach, Strange Mysteries 4,, Church Educator, Gem, and True Confessions. She also has entered dozens (if not hundreds) of free and low-cost contests, gaining lots of great experience and even winning a few.
Gail's latest book is the Jules Verne-style fantasy They Called Me Dragon: A Narrative Account of my Adventures on the Planet Earth. She continues to demonstrate a naive disregard for established genre categories, as she is also shopping around a sweet romantic space opera.
Gail is a member of Arizona Mystery Writers and enjoys the Arizona sun with her husband and some really big goldfish.